The windy season has gradually exposed the safety hazards of outdoor advertising single-post billboards. In order to further strengthen the safety management of outdoor advertising facilities and prevent billboard collapse attacks, the city's Urban Management Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau team has conducted various inspections on various types of billboards in the city center. Outdoor advertising facilities undergo special safety performance inspections.
The key to the inspection operation is mainly for single-pillar billboards set up on both sides of the highway, especially on sidewalks near densely populated residential areas, large markets, markets and outdoor advertising facilities. For safety issues found in outdoor advertising facilities during inspections, merchants are required to make rectifications within a time limit. If they are not rectified, they will be removed according to regulations and law.
To ensure that the inspection work goes smoothly, the Urban Management Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau team has set up a safety inspection system for outdoor advertising. The safety situation of each outdoor advertisement is electronically recorded, and the jurisdictional brigade implements a safety inspection responsibility system.
Hubei Shennongjia three-sided steel structure production steel structure column billboard